Urge 2 Tattoo Studio Edmonton Tattoos

Urge 2 Tattoo Studio opened its doors in 1999, we have been serving Edmonton tattoos in a safe, clean, and fun environment ever since.


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After Dark Motorcycles A strong, dedicated team building, customizing and servicing Harley Davidsons and custom motorcycles to the highest standards.Service, Parts and New Gear, After Dark has got it all.

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Art of Gems - fine jewelry lines custom designs. Nature Meets Design

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I diagnosed that a single page on urge2.ca took one thousand five hundred and sixty-three milliseconds to stream. We could not discover a SSL certificate, so therefore I consider this site not secure.
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Urge 2 Tattoo Studio Edmonton Tattoos


Urge 2 Tattoo Studio opened its doors in 1999, we have been serving Edmonton tattoos in a safe, clean, and fun environment ever since.


The domain states the following, "Urge 2 Tattoo Studio opened its doors in 1999." I analyzed that the web page also said " We have been serving Edmonton custom tattoos in a safe, clean, and fun environment ever since." They also stated " We are located downtown in the Central McDougall area, just north of Grant MacEwan on 107 avenue. Urge 2, a friendly open concept tattoo shop, is also home to Second Skin Tattoo Removal. Second Skin can remove or lighten your tattoos for cover-ups. We are open from 1200pm 600pm daily. And are a cash only."


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